“Preaching to the Choir: Internet-Mediated Advocacy, Issue Public Mobilization and Climate Change” published by New Media & Society

Here’s a quick, long-overdue update: My first peer-reviewed article has just been published! It’s called Preaching to the Choir: Internet-Mediated Advocacy, Issue Public Mobilization and Climate Change, and it’s available now through New Media & Society’s ‘OnlineFirst’ service (subscription required). It… Continue Reading

iProtest: Social Media and the Evolving Nature of Political Activism

To say that new information technologies are revolutionizing political activism has become a tried and true cliché. It also happens to be true. Even as debates rage over the impact of technology on political activism, the possibilities (and perils) are… Continue Reading

We Are the 99%: Models of Public Opinion that Explain the Occupy Wall Street Movement

Ever since the financial crisis hit the U.S. in late 2008, many political commentators (mostly on the Left) have wondered why public opinion hadn’t mobilized behind Wall Street reform in the U.S. as strongly and visibly as in other nations.… Continue Reading