New pub about online climate activism in “Environmental Politics”

More news on the publication front: my first peer-reviewed journal article based my dissertation is now published. It’s called “Climate change advocacy online: theories of change, target audiences, and online strategy,” and it’s available from Taylor & Francis’ Environmental Politics journal. Environmental Politics has… Continue Reading

Has the Keystone XL fight been a mistake?

I was discussing my recently-defended dissertation over beers recently with an online strategist friend, so of course the anti-Keystone pipeline campaign came up. We rehashed an argument that has been making the rounds recently: has the campaign against the pipeline been a… Continue Reading

Gmail Tabs, private information Intermediaries, and activism

Email is the lifeblood of modern issue advocacy. Whenever the Sierra Club wants to mobilize its 2.1 million members to take action in defense of the environment, it targets them with an email ‘blast’. When wants to raise money… Continue Reading