New publication: Take action now: Motivational framing and action requests in climate advocacy

Today the journal Environmental Communication published an article I wrote called Take Action Now: Motivational Framing and Action Requests in Climate Advocacy. Here’s an abstract from the article: This article explores similarities and differences between Internet- mediated climate change advocacy… Continue Reading

New article on Internet-mediated activism at Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Change Communiciation

Today Dr. Jill Hopke of DePaul University and I published another article in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Change Communication, edited by Dr. Matthew Nisbet of Northeastern University. The article is titled Internet-Enabled Activism and Climate Change, and is available free… Continue Reading

New publication: ‘Tools Beyond Control’

Here’s my latest peer-reviewed research article, called Tools Beyond Control: Social Media and the Work of Advocacy Organizations, which was published today by Social Media + Society. The article deals with privatized Internet governance and how it can affect the… Continue Reading