How should academics respond to Trump’s election?

Ever since the night of November 8, 2016, I’ve been struggling with how to reconcile my role as an educator and scholar with my impulse to respond as my heart dictates to the election of Donald Trump. If my interactions… Continue Reading

Houston Chronicle op-ed on Cuba, the US, and Puerto Rico

I was first exposed to politics growing up in Puerto Rico, where electoral campaigns and post-election governance can be an acrimonious and divisive affair. This partly because, at their core, Puerto Rican politics are all about the island’s political relationship with… Continue Reading

The merits of policies, trust, and climate compromise

Sean McElweee has a must-read in The Atlantic on how latent conservative support for climate solutions can be tapped through more effective framing. It’s based on extensive research into the different moral foundations that underpin liberal and conservative support for environmental protection: One explanation… Continue Reading