How should academics respond to Trump’s election?

Ever since the night of November 8, 2016, I’ve been struggling with how to reconcile my role as an educator and scholar with my impulse to respond as my heart dictates to the election of Donald Trump. If my interactions… Continue Reading

New publication: “App Neutrality: Apple’s App Store and Freedom of Expression Online” at International Journal of Communication

My second peer-reviewed publication is now available from the International Journal of Communication. The article is called App Neutrality: Apple’s App Store and Freedom of Expression Online. You can download the full text because IJoC is open access and makes its articles… Continue Reading

Apple’s App Store and the future of democratic culture online

I’ve been sitting on this blog for a while but EFF’s excellent post on Apple’s “crystal prisons” finally made me get off my butt and publish it. It’s based on a more detailed analysis I did for a paper that I… Continue Reading