Gainfully employed at the University of Texas at San Antonio, starting this fall!

weareutsaI can’t believe it’s taken me this long to post this update: Back in February I signed a contract with the University of Texas at San Antonio to become a tenure-track assistant professor of communication for new media campaigns. The department offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees in communication, including undergrad concentrations in Social Interaction, Digital Communication (which will be my core area),  and Public Relations, and an MA with four specialized areas of study: interpersonal and small group communication, organizational studies, new media and information design, and international and intercultural communication. I am very excited to join the faculty and staff of UTSA’s communication department.

If you’re reading this, you may be an early career scholar who has heard all the horror stories about the academic job market. I’ll be writing more about the job market in the future, but in the meantime, if you’re at the career stage I just finished and would like some job market advice, feel free to drop me a line…I’m happy to provide the best advice I can. It’s definitely very difficult to land a position–but not impossible!

Luis Hestres

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