OFA frames climate change as public health threat

On June 2, President Obama finally announced his plan to tackle climate change through EPA regulation of carbon pollution from coal power plants. This is Obama’s biggest climate change initiative yet — and given the current Congress, it’s also the only way… Continue Reading

Has the Keystone XL fight been a mistake?

I was discussing my recently-defended dissertation over beers recently with an online strategist friend, so of course the anti-Keystone pipeline campaign came up. We rehashed an argument that has been making the rounds recently: has the campaign against the pipeline been a… Continue Reading

The merits of policies, trust, and climate compromise

Sean McElweee has a must-read in The Atlantic on how latent conservative support for climate solutions can be tapped through more effective framing. It’s based on extensive research into the different moral foundations that underpin liberal and conservative support for environmental protection: One explanation… Continue Reading